Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.
Sometimes it's Savoy Truffle, sometimes it's Crunchy Frog.

Friday, January 16, 2009

20090116 RIP Charlie

One of the saddest time that can be is when one has to resolutly take a good companion of daily life and have it put to sleep forever. Charlie was one such companion, but to a fault. Don't get me wrong. I love cats. But what I like about them is that they are, contrary to dogs, independent. They and us go each to our own business, and once in a while we meet and are affectionate to each other. In good measure. But this cat was just too affectionatly dependent. Just too much like glue to humans. Never an outdoor cat, he was totally dependent on people. Contrary to an indoor-outdoor cat, this one did not find much enjoyment in going out and about the grounds. Besides, he was declawed, so climbing trees was out of the question. A shame since all the other cats I had could do that and I really liked it. Another bad caracter trait of this cat is that he ate much more than he needed. Lastly, he had bad cat box habits, not doing his thing well in there but along the edges ans sometimes going out of the edges. That's what banished him from the house last spring. Things were not too bad for him, spring, summer, fall. I fed him outside. But then when winter came, that was just to unbearable for him, and for me to see also. He just looked like he might just freeze to death. Still, he looked like he was holding up anyway even in -30C tempatures, but I dint want to see him start to freeze at the extremities. So having him put to sleep was a preventative mesure. Also, I'm out of the house for days often and did'nt want to ask the neighbors to feed him again. They said he looked miserable in the cold autumn rain and were encouraging me to have him put to sleep or get rid of him one way or another.
I got this cat from people who had 3 cats. Charlie was one cat too many. He's not my ideal of a cat. That would be a classic short haired tabby. But, we had just lost ours and I wanted to get one quickly. I saw at a cat grooming shop a note on paper pinned to a wall about a cat to be given away for adoption. Declawed, neutered, vaccined. Looked good. But I do'nt think I've ever had such an insecure cat.

So there he is after having had a shot to render him unconscious. The vet is giving him the shot of death. Goodbye Charlie. This had to be.

1 comment:

Micheline said...

I am so sorry that you had to put Charlie down. I know it took a lot of courage to do this but it had to be done. It was a kindness to be sure. I thought about him often lately because of the extreme cold we are experiencing and I worried that he would freeze to death. Also living out of the house meant that he was deprived of the company he loved best. So it is better this way. He was there when you and Denise needed him but now your own life has changed and he became a problem. We will remember him through all the photos you took of him.
Rest in peace Charlie.

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