While the first major snow storm of the winter raged outside, I've been getting into a new research thread since I saw Sports Experts's latest flyer. It showed a bike helmet cam, the Gopro Helmet HD. But I had some qualms with it: No screen to see the images; the camera is not affixed to the helmet with the regular screw all cameras usually have; and I already have a camera, so why buy another one? So this is a bit of what I came up with: Cheapest solution I saw are do-it-yourself projects. One can be seen at http://www.sailingtexas.com/Movies/052506AustinVeloway/052506AustinVeloway.html. Just a plywood base affixed to the helmet. I wrote to the man and this was his prompt reply:
The bolt that holds a camera to a tripod is a standard American thread size. I just got one that size at my hardware store and mounted it in my bicycle helmet, then screwed the camera on it. Seems too simple, but it works.
A panasonic DMC LZ2 is what I used, they'll take movies. Now I have a DMC LZ7, a later model, and it works fine too.
Two other DIY projects I found are linked from http://www.londoncyclist.co.uk/features/diy-bike-projects-anyone-can-do/. The first, at http://www.camerahacker.com/build/Bicycle_Camera_Mount.php, uses parts from a handlebar headlight. So it's not really a helmet cam setup. Not interested much since I already have such a thing (The Clampette). The other DIY project is at http://photojojo.com/content/diy/attach-a-camera-to-your-bike/. It's also for the handlebars, so I'll pass.
The cheapest setup I could find was something called The Happy Helmet Bike Camera Mount. The picture I posted above, from their website (Photojojo), is that contraption. For only $20US (plus almost half as much to ship to Canada!), I could get this versatile setup with straps that you can affix almost any camera to. So no need to buy a new camera. Best option for a first step.
Other options are more expensive, going into the hundreds of dollars because you have to buy a new camera that goes with the setup.
The most simple ones are one of the various GoPro models, such as the one I saw on the latest Sports Expets flyer. But the cameras themselves are kinda cheapo for my standards. What I imagined is a simple lens wired up to a camera body devoid of a lens. http://pointofviewcameras.com/ has the best selection of models of this type of camera I could find on the web, but there are others to shop about on the web for. Google it! They are also called bullet cams, lipstick cams, etc.... The lens can be affixed to practically any surfaces and is lightweight enough to be affixed to a bike helmet. But you'll have to dish out hundreds of dollars for these specialized gadgets. I guess one could spend about $1000, easy, on this! The only problem I have is that the body of the camera looks only like a simple metal box with a screen. It does not look like it's easy affixable to the bike handlebars like I'd like it to be, for easy control of the shutter and various buttons. A swivel screen model would be nice too but I don't see any. I guess with such specialized gadgets, you've got to customize yourself to some extent whatever you buy.
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