Had to bring my desktop to a computer shop for a checkup. I've been getting the silent BLACK SCREEN OF DEATH. Not the Blue SOD. The Black SOD. Seems like a hardware problem.....or it could be related to the Trojan Horse problem I had lately........or to a driver problem..........who knows............Overheating? I did blow an aircan to clean the dust in my computer tower. It was VERY dusty! Still, the BkSOD cam back, along with a Blue SOD to boot! Running on my laptop for now. You know, maybe Google has something in their upcoming O/S, called Chrome. They say you'll have nothing but operating files on your computer. All other files, Word, Jpg, Mp3, etc, will be on-line. I've already begun working like this with some Word files I've hosted on Facebook. Could be the way of the future.
A Glimpse into a Small World
As is usual these days, the year has rushed by too fast. This autumn I have
been busy learning some new skills and researching in preparation for a
couple ...
5 years ago
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