20091029. Saw a red fox again on Notre-Dame island. It was roaming here and there along the bike path and over the canal's bridges near to the old Expo 67 Jamaica pavillion, close to the Quebec and France pavillions (those are today the Montreal Casino). Totally unafraid of people. Looking for handouts, it actually approached me and a couple there taking a walk. The man threw it some cookies that the fox ate like a dog would. So it was relatively easy to take some good shots of it. This is the best one, zoomed in at max zoom, slightly cropped and resized by Facebook. If I had something to attract it, I would have done even better. There are plenty of pics of foxes with a nature background out there on the web already. By better, I imagine a pic with background showing context, such as the bike path, my bicycle, or something of what's left of Expo 67.
A Glimpse into a Small World
As is usual these days, the year has rushed by too fast. This autumn I have
been busy learning some new skills and researching in preparation for a
couple ...
5 years ago
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