In Longueuil's Parc Régional, there was all sorts of swell activities happening in every corner of the park: Downhill sliding, skating in frozen ponds, cross-country skiing, on your own or in a course given in this small 6 people class seen above, snow shoes walking or just regular walking. A nice not too cold day after the frigid weather we've been having lately. Click on the pic to see it fullsize.

A prune or cherry tree affected by the mushroom Apiosporina morbosa is growing there right next to the skiing path and communal gardens of the park. People on the left, skiing or on snow shoes, just saw some deer in the woods.

An amazing sight later in mid-afternnon: a 4-pointer buck deer making it's appearance right where people were doing their sunday nature walks and skiing!

He walked right into the cross-country skiing path, right behind the class!

Seeing no interest from the people about him, he turned back to the woods and his group of females farther on hiding in the woods. I approached and called out to him and he stopped in his tracks and began to turn back and walk slowly towards me!
Very tame, he approached right up to me! Click on the pic to see it fullsize.

It even came up to a child offering a carrot and actually ate it right out of it's hand! I got to touch it a bit too. I guess he expects handouts on a regular basis in this park, making him unafraid of people altogether! Actually, an unarmed human shoud be more afaid of him and his antlers than him of humans!
Such a treat for that child. I'm sure she will remember it all her life. What a beautiful animal too. Nice photos.
While we (the class) were practicing our techniques for cross country skiing, we saw these lovely deers first a female pack (same as for the class, 6 females) and then a young male very tamed not at all bothered by our presence and other humans on the parcours.
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