A black an white version of a macro pic of an Antennaria in the Odanak indian reserve, QC, of a pic taken last spring. It's so easy to be Artsy, there is no merit to it. The important thing in photography is how to be technically correct, how to frame correctly, and how to capture the moment by seeing the opportunity. There is a lot of beauty in reality, one does not need to change it. And I'm sorry but if you think that pics of urban settings is more artistic than nature settings, well you are wrong. Art is in whatever you see. The art is in the rendering of what you see. The art of photography is whatever you do before you press click on your camera.
It seems to me that your last statement completely revokes/denies that there is 'no merit' (to being Artsy). It is so difficult to put an exact meaning to 'art' because art is everywhere. But, mostly, it is in the eye of the beholder.
The ability to visualize and spot an interesting subject is the gift of the artist. Your photographs certainly qualify you as a true artist. You are a natural. Bravo.
I ment Artsy in the strictest meaning of the word. I rather adhear to a wide meaning of the word Artistic, a meaning that includes not only pics of an artificial nature, but pics in nature, of nature, of just what we see. Beauty is all over. The art is in capturing it on photo.
I don't mean to carp on the subject but on re-reading your last sentence once again, I beg to differ. With all the new technology of photoshop etc. many things can be done to a photo after you click on your camera. Look at the amazing thing you did with Denise's photo below. It is quite beautiful yet I will wager that the original was nothing like it.
Yes, post-production of the image produced in the camera is legit. I mostly only do cropping for that matter as with the profile pic at http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_EgFjlKO2YWQ/SWdpmE6ZlxI/AAAAAAAAAyI/dnJLp3rm5tU/s1600-h/scan0019+denise+profil+cropped.jpg
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