A class of the demolished École Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin school for girls. Located on the rue Du Couvent street in the St-Henri district of Montréal. Aka St. Thomas Aquina school. Demolishid about 1972 (cf. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/1190/01/M10520.pdf). This pic was taken about 1948. The only identified person is the one circled on the left in pink: Micheline Bilodeau. Can anyone else be identified? Was this a francophone or anglophone school? Was it a girls only school (probably)? There's not much information on it on the web. Notice the black girl above left. That was very rare sight in those days. It is no longer the case today, but in those days people in Montréal were almost 100% white.
I made a mistake in my comment on Facebook. I said the nuns at St. Thomas Aquinas were the Order of Notre Dame but they were actually Sister's of Ste. Anne.
Micheline Likas at 9:14pm March 10
This was taken at St. Thomas Aquinas Elementary School. It was an English Catholic School for girls. The teachers were very strict nuns of the Order of Notre Dame. I was in that school for grades 1, 2, & 3.
I was not a happy camper there since my English was very poor and was often threatened by the other girls because I was a 'French Frog'. Kids can be very cruel.
Pierre Guertin at 10:21pm March 10
So you were in grades 1, 2 & 3 in what years?
Micheline Likas at 11:56pm March 10
I honestly don't remember. I had gone to the same French school that Denise did for 1 year in Kindergarten. Then mom sent me to St. Thomas Aquinas so I could learn English and have a better chance at getting a good job. I was too young to object. But the first 3 years in the English system was hell. It was only when she transferred me to St. Anthony's Academy that things changed for me. I loved it there. The nuns were of the Congregation on Notre Dame and were very kind.
Well, if you were born in 1936 and we usually start grade school at 6 or 7 years old, this pic would have been taken anywhere from 1942 to 1946. Those girls do'nt look like 6 year olds. I'd put them as third graders. So that would be circa 1945 or 1946.
I am in tears. I am so very happy. I am without words and filled with joy. I found a topic and a picture.
I attended this school 1959. I started when I was 5 going on six. I remember the grade one teacher, Miss Brown, grade two Miss Moore, Miss Henisy grade 3.
I recall our church we attended every Sunday. I recall the church penny fairs. The Brownies concerts. It was the best time in my life. I lived On St.Phillipe st. then moved to Lacasse.
I left this school and my best friend. Diane Coderre 45 years ago I found her too a year ago. I saw her for the first time this summer.
I have some photos my first communion, concert hall before we preformed.
I have been looking now for years for this moment. My journey is nearing a new path. Does anyone have a photo of the front of the school. I would greatly appreciate a copy.
Betty-Ann Doskas
As I just read the black girl in the back. I remember haveing a black friend and Diane does too. She too left I think grade three. I recall she was an amazing friend. I remember she wore a silver bracelette all the time. The three of us were always together.
I remember the French Convent on the oposite side of our school. The Cemented the openning so we could not pass through to the other side. The French group of girls threatened me repeatedly till one day the cross guard reported them and I visited the school to point the out to the Nuns. They never bothered me again. I also remember having to give them my pennies so they would leave me alone.
I remember the Christmas concert too. We sang,Rodolph the Red Nose Reindeer. It was written on the board and it stayed there every day till the concert.
Betty-Ann Doskas
I have made grammar errors on my previous entries. :)
more info from my era. The school was mixed classes by the time I attended. The high school was on the other side. Diane Daoust another friend of mine also attended this school she would of attended in 1951.We both did know each other till we met when we were employed by the same place. this was 11 years ago now.
Both of my friends attended St.Thomas D'Aquin School till it's closure 1971.
I am also a family member of the Catherine Doskas,George,Wain,Kennth Keith, Warner Doskas they too attended this school.
I also learned that the school held students from St.Joseph teaching college after it had a fire. They got house room principle at the time was Frank Foy.
article Adieu St.Joe
memoir by Edward McCracken
there was 35 classrooms. a four story building.
Thanks for the comments Betty-Ann!
Hi my name is Bonnie Tapp I also went to this school as did Linda Morrison. Would love to hear from anyone that would had known Linda or myself. Thank you
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