I'm quite a big fan of the virtuoso violinist Anne-Sophie Mütter. When I saw a few months ago that she was coming to perform in Montreal with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, I initiated a transaction by the web to buy tickets to see her. That transaction did not pan out. So I more or less forgot about it until this morning when I saw the revew of her show in the morning La Presse newspaper (the review in french is also on the web at http://www.cyberpresse.ca/arts/musique/musique-classique/200902/11/01-826169-mutter-eclipse-fruhbeck.php but see also in english http://www.montrealgazette.com/entertainment/music/Anne+Sophie+Mutter+returns/1261298/story.html) . She was going to do a repeat performance today. I checked for available tickets and found that there were some left but very few. So I went to the Place Des Arts box office, but they told me they were sold out! I objected saying I saw just now on the web there there were some tickets left! So the lady told be the way to the MSO's offices at the PDA. I had to ring so that I could be let through not one but two locked doors to gain access to the the MSO's offices and it was there that I at last got two of those tickets I saw on the MSO's web site.
Last time I went there was in the '70s, 1975 or 1976 I think, and the musical director was Franz-Paul Decker. Now Kent Nagano is the director, but tonight he was replaced by Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, who I did not know. But the main event was Anne-Sophie Mutter. She did not play the whole concert, only the Concerto pour violon et orchestre en mi mineur, op. 64 (1844) by Mendelssohn, a piece she also plays on her latest CD. What virtuosity, what mastery, what finesse, what grace, what energy she deployed! Amazing!
I did not catch her in my camera, but the orchestra alone only later on after the intemission.
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